Why join
The OPAL Alliance brings
together community members. You too can
* work to preserve our community
* plan to stop Walker’s dump
By becoming a member of the OPAL
Alliance, you
* help to influence the
government’s decision against the dump
* add to our efforts to prevent
pollution of the groundwater we drink
* say “No” to 340+ truck-trips
for trash every day
* vow to protect the Thames
* show that all should respect
our heritage, our community and our future.
Have a question,
concern, want to volunteer, drop us a line
Click the Mailbox
below to send us an email.
OPAL Alliance
acts to protect our community and to ensure that Oxford County remains a
great place to live and grow. As concerned citizens, we are engaged in
the fight to stop locally unwarranted land uses. Our mission is to stop
the dump Walker Industries would impose. |