Dr. Ray Copes

Public Health Ontario, gets to the Heart of Air Quality.​

In 2003 the London office of the Ministry of the Environment stopped assessing the effect of dust and fine particulate matter in the air around Beachville despite a history of unsatisfactory readings and high levels of dust which many claim contribute to respiratory and cardiac illness rates in the Thames Valley and adjoining areas. In 2013, a group of citizens pressured the MOE and Oxford Public Health to monitor dust using two different sets of meters. These produced very disturbing results, especially in light of the comments of Dr. Ray Copes of Public Health – Ontario saying that the MOE’s standards “are not health standards”. In fact, they relate to visibility, while the dust and fine particulate matter are of grave concern.

Dr. Hong Chen


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Diesel, Dust, and Dementia.

More recently, Dr. Copes along with Dr. Hong Chen have also done research pointing to a high coincidence of dementia and other neurological diseases with haul routes where heavy volumes of diesel trucks eject particles, both visible and of 2.5 microns or less. These fine particles bypass the nose and sinuses, enter the lungs and do damage there, and pierce the wall of the lungs and enter the blood stream. It is likely this that causes cardiac conditions. Walker’s proposed haul routes and 370 truck trips daily are cause for health concerns by those living on local roads such as Embro Line, Beachville Road, Pemberton street, as well as on Emergency Detour Routes and/or any other available routes when the 401 is blocked by horses, vehicle accidents, etc.

Links: Dr. Ray Copes on the effects of dust on health :

Links: Drs. Ray Copes and Hong Chen on diesel and dust and human health.

Link 1   Link 2

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OPAL Alliance acts to protect our community and to ensure that Oxford County remains a great place to live and grow. As concerned citizens, we are engaged in the fight to stop locally unwarranted land uses. Our mission is to stop the dump Walker Industries would impose.