What problem are you facing? How does it affect
We are
frustrated by how the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment, Parks and Conservation is
considering Walker Environmental Group’s (WEG)
application for a new 17.5 million tonne dump at
the Carmeuse Quarry in Beachville, near
Ingersoll. Although Walker have adhered to the
ministry prescribed application process we
remain concerned that final approval could be
driven by expediency for Toronto and Walker’s
financial interests, without due regard to the
catastrophic social and environmental
consequences for an entire watershed.
people of Oxford County, including municipal
governments, have been unequivocal on the
immorality and extreme risks posed by this
unwanted, unneeded and unwarranted potential
project. They have been joined by over 130 other
municipalities who have campaigned to “Demand
the Right” to refuse (or accept, in some cases)
landfills or other projects they consider
detrimental and risk-prone to their communities.
people of Oxford County have invested hundreds
of thousands of dollars and countless hours of
their personal time in explaining
objectively to successive Ministers of the
Environment, Parks and Conservation why this
dump poses extreme risk to their health and
property values and has unquantifiable and
potentially irreparable longer-term
Being dismissive of long-term hazards can have a
profoundly damaging effect on society.
Walker’s Beachville dump would be built above
fractured limestone, the same as the Richmond
dump near Napanee that has leaked leachate,
rendered well water toxic, destroyed wetland
areas and depreciated the value of adjacent
homes. The Adams Mine dump site in northern
Ontario was rejected for this same reason – its
impact on water, and through it on families and
their investments in their homes.
yet the MECP continues to expend taxpayer funds
in considering the WEG application to develop a
high-risk dump near Beachville. It is causing
stress in many communities surrounding the
project and negatively affecting property
values. They do not understand why the obvious
negative health and environmental effects of
this dump have not already resulted in outright
rejection by the Minister of Environment,
Conservation and Parks.